As our Design Philosophy states, we believe that a well-designed space is one that inspires the user, is functional, and is environmentally responsive. Through integrated site design, sustainable landscape design practices can improve water efficiency and quality, decrease energy usage, maximize the benefits of plants, and reduce waste by using low-impact materials.
We have found that by combining our user-centered approach and environmental ethics, that a balance between nature and the built environment can create synergistic opportunities to design inspiring spaces with purpose.
Sustainable Landscape Design Services
Water Efficiency and Quality
There are two major areas of focus when dealing with water efficiency and quality in the landscape.
The first is potable water use: With drought conditions reoccurring all over the world, the excessive use of potable (drinkable) water for landscapes is increasingly unsustainable.
The second is stormwater runoff, what it carries, and its volume: As stormwater leaves your property it carries with it contaminants and sediment which ultimately end up in our streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Through proper planning and design, property owners and managers can promote the infiltration, storing, and recycling of water for your landscape, limiting the use of this valuable natural resource.
Our Water Efficiency and Quality Landscape Design Services Include:
- Bioswale Design
- Bioretention Pond Design
- Rain Garden Design
- Xeriscaping
- Rain Water Harvesting and Recycling Design
- Evapotranspiration Based Irrigation Design
- Drip Irrigation System Design and Retro-fits
- Pervious Paving Design
Energy Efficiency
The inefficient use of home and building energy is not only costly, but it also contributes to the growth of greenhouse gas emissions. The strategic placement of plants, trees, and other elements in the landscape can reduce cooling costs, decrease heat loss, provide windbreaks from cold winter winds, and reduce the heat island effect, while providing for your needs, interests, and well-being.
Our Energy Efficiency Landscape Design Services Include:
- Tree and Plant Siting and Design
- Green Screen Design
- LED Lighting System Design
- Pervious Paving Design
Sustainable Planting
Plants oxygenate the atmosphere and reduce pollutants, making them key to a functioning global ecosystem. Plants can also be used to eliminate chemical fertilizers, produce food, restore natural systems, and clean air. Using the “right plant in the right place” can help to reduce the negative impacts of development, create habitats for wildlife, and reduce the amount of input and maintenance required for the landscape.
Our Sustainable Planting Landscape Design Services Include:
- Native Plant Design
- Xeriscaping
- Vegetable and Herb Garden Design
- Wildlife Habitat Garden Design
- Erosion Control Planting Design